Serenity Now
Pat Bjarnason (Äria)

Lifes purpose...
What ... ?
Stop trying to figure out
it will come
slow down...listen...dance...
be kind...forget...remember...be still
Repeat all of the above
It will come....remember
Be Love....All there is
Your purpose .... be love
~ Pat Bjarnason
.... heart songs
What a lovely word
easy simple safe happy
You know what comes next...
How are you ?
you say fine.
that is what you say.
Really ?
but I hear something else
in that space in between the words.
why can't you really tell me how you are ?
why ?
I Care.
I will not judge.
I really want to know
I want to know you
the Real You.
it's safe...I will keep you safe
just let me get to know you
for I already Love You
really I do
It is the mask that you are wearing that turns me away.
Let's take our masks off together
we can do it
it will be okay
I Love You
I Love You
Beautiful YOU
~ pat bjarnason

Let's begin
Now is a good place
listen ... lean in close and listen
listen listen listen listen
until you can no longer hear anything
that's right...nothing
For it is in that space ...
where you will find
everything you need to get you through LIFE
Listen..you will hear me in the silence
In the morning breeze
underneath a rock, beside a friend, over water
under lairs, stones, earth, rocks
in crevices ... peeking out and searching for nothingness
It's all there...you have to find it.
You will.
I know.
Lets start Now... for Now is all we have.
REMEMBER, Remember, remember
You WILL remember
~ pat bjarnason

to my ears
is like soul bliss
lessons learned in life
can alter your attitudinal direction
If you please...
I said with a smile
Where are you going ?
an awkward silence lapses
between words of friends
later it will come to me when I am not thinking
for you can/will leave me with all that I need
for that is how you operate
always caring without cause or effect
Silly.....I smile when thinking about it again
worry - not
for all will take care of you
always does
She says with a smile.
~ pat bjarnason

Where are you ... I ask
think ... don't think
listen ... silence
beckoning you in to where you know I Am
hear nothing
that is it
Where were You ?
You don't know
it has no name
only "there"
Did you like it ?
I don't know
Did you?
Do you like it ?
HOME.....your home
Remember how it feels to be home
You will never leave again
when you are able to stay when nothing else is present
infinity and beyond
light years, angels, love, blessings, light
~ pat bjarnason

hear my prayers
will you be there
I have wondered
where are you
I am here child
don't you see
come and sit with me
quiet silent
hear me now
that's it
listen feel know
and you will find me all around
~ pat bjarnason

I tell you this from my heart and soul
you will understand
when you are slow to come
and sit at the side
of who you want to be
not realizing
that you already are there
being that soul.
Precious child of God
how can we make you understand
what it is
that you so choose to find
in other places
other than your heart
where it can always be found...
What is that
that we speak of ... you know
it is all that you are
all that you will ever be
all that really matters
all is knowing
knowing is what differentiates
the subtotal values
of each and every one of you
and yet
when put together
each and everyone of you
will recognize yourself in each other
without realizing
this is the goal
of each earthly human
experiencing the experience
of being human.
What a voyage to the bottom of the sea
it can be
when you let go
enjoy the journey
~ pat bjarnason
It isn't until we search deep within
to seek out the hidden treasures
that we think need to be buried
in order for us to Be
When looking through those treasures
we find that hidden diamond
that when picked out
and truly looked at
we can move on and let go
of what we really do not need.
We sometimes have taken a word
a comment
a glance
a touch
as something that it was not intended to be
When we are able to look again
and seek the true answer
we become FREE
once again we learn through love
love is always the answer
MoM... (my own memories)...now made clear
~ pat bjarnason

The Sentinel
giving of itself
for you me all who inhabit Earth
love the scents
love the colors
love the sounds
love the music of the leaves in the wind
What gifts ...
do we understand
do we fully understand
our connection
Listen and you will hear
the voice of the Sentinel
whispering the ancient truths
of all time
~ pat bjarnason

The truth will set you free ...
Do you know what this means ?
When you know
to the deepest part of your humanness
To be free
to come to know
your own self
your own divinity
your own nothingness
your own fullness
your own part of the whole of ONENESS
for when You Know
When you really know
that we are all ONE
you will have
and so it is
~ pat bjarnason
January 2013

This life
is such a gift
greater than I could ever imagine
it keeps getting better and better
What Next !
I don't know
but whatever it is
I am ready and willing
to be the taker of the gifts
that are placed before me
to nourish
and strengthen
and heal
and partake
in the gloriousness
of this human
so filled with love
and gratitude
as I write these words
for you , me, all who read
may you feel the vibration within
~ pat
March 21, 2013
The gifts
are never ending
the gifts
are multiplying by magnitudes unknown to human man
the gifts
which surround one
are all in the name of love
imagine ...
how loved you must be
to be given
all that is
and more
It takes the breath away
to know how much we are loved
close your eyes
still your mind
experience the vastness of nothing
other than the All That Is
grateful and blessed
~ pat bjarnason

February 13, 2013
Listening to your thoughts and reading the transcript of your heart are two very important aspects of your own advancement to that of something which you are expanding to.
You can, and will, be perfectly aligned with your higher self if you just step back out of the picture. Your thoughts and transcriptions provide you with your own GPS for getting to your desired destination.
Are you on the road to where you want to go . . . or are you somewhere where you are looking for the turn-around to get back on track. You have full control of where you are and where you are going.
Happy travels Dear Friends.
Enjoy your Journey
~ pat

The greatest gift you can give
is to love your self .
~ pat
. . . more on the next page . . .